Telephone: 1300 009 420
0422 861 104
[email protected]



Mark’s been a loss adjuster for over 45 years. Starting in the UK, Mark relocated to Australia when his employer opened a branch here. Mark deals with complex and high-value property claims.

Mark is the state manager for Victoria and also a board member. In addition, he is a property team leader and technical manager for the group.

I love working for Technical Assessing because of the small, dynamic management team that works hands-on with all the staff. We take pride in being accessible to all our staff and providing a high level of support to our team.

My favourite leisure activities are: Playing and collecting guitars, dining and drinking wine, studying American history and reading on a variety of subjects from biographies to history.

My favourite places to visit are: I’ve visited some unusual places, American Samoa, Kiribati and Christmas Island to name a few.



  • Ordinary National Diploma Agriculture 
  • Associateship of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII) (UK)
  • Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance 
  • Associate of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (ACILA) (UK)
  • Certified Insurance Professional
