Telephone: 1300 009 420
Mobile: 0417 468 316
Email: [email protected]


Work Experience

Howard’s always been a champion of victims and received the Order of Australia Medal in June 2004 for his work with victims of crime.

Howard is involved in a variety of associations, support groups and tribunals.

Howard’s career, which started as a private investigator, has introduced him to all the aspects of crime and its impact on victims.

I love working for Technical Assessing because the collegiate atmosphere means we work independently but can seek advice from our colleagues without fear of ridicule.

My favourite leisure activities are: Playing my guitar and riding my push bike – even with only one leg, I still have the urge to get out there and ride.

My favourite place to visit is: Broome in WA. I’m a water baby and have competed in speed sailboarding – the waters off Broome are even better than the Maldives.



Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

